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Excellence Tracking
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Excellence Tracking

Accelerate Your Time-to-Market with Our Launch Excellence Cockpit


To continuously optimize your launch processes and reduce time-to-market, it is crucial to apply  governance and define criteria for the ideal usage of tools and modules. Our launch excellence  cockpit serves as the central hub for achieving process excellence.



Comprehensive Dashboard for Complete Oversight


Access all the necessary information through our connected dashboard, providing an overview of  your pre-launch progress. With a comprehensive view, you can easily identify and address any  obstacles that may arise. Our system also supports reminders and notifications, ensuring that product  managers and stakeholders stay informed and up to date.
Customize KPIs and Criteria for Optimal Performance


Tailor the system to your needs by defining your own key performance indicators (KPIs) and criteria.  This ensures that users maximize the benefits of our Launch Excellence Application (LEA) and provide the  necessary level of information for successful launches.

product launch optimization



The module can be integrated to your ERP for automatic milestone status (e.g. submission of forecast, budget, launch order).  

Data warehouse

All pre-launch data sources are combined in one data warehouse for fast intelligence and correlation analysis.


KPIs are defined by the launch office and can be adapted to local objectives. Drill-down is supported to investigate numbers and root causes.


Access is granted on product and affiliate level to ensure proper authorization for local launch managers and global product owners.


Utilize our built-in dashboards and standardized trackers for local and global tracking - or create your own tailored reports.


Dashboards and reports are responsive and allow the user to interact and investigate trends and irregularities.


Rules and thresholds can be configured to trigger notifications and reports to  stakeholders.


Empower the product and launch managers to provide comments to dashboards and reports.


pharma management dashboard


Høje Taastrup Boulevard 52
Copenhagen, Denmark


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Copyright ® 2023 Enlight ApS

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