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  • What is an FAQ section?
    This FAQ section will provide quick answers to common questions about LEA© ( Launch Excellence Application), Enlight ApS, product launches, dashboards and many more.
  • What sections are in this FAQ?
    This FAQ contains multiple sections at the top of this FAQ formular. Sections as of now: General Enlight ApS LEA© - Launch Excellence Application Launch Processes
  • What is Enlight?
    Enlight ApS is a software company and consultancy, in Copenhagen – Denmark. Providing it’s services to companies across all industries. Enlight ApS is the developer of software Launch Excellence Application©, that is used extensively in pharmaceutical industry across the departments but mainly in product launches. Variations of LEA might have a different name, color palete and wireframing based on the wishes of the client.


Høje Taastrup Boulevard 52
Copenhagen, Denmark

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