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Launch Readiness
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​Launch Readiness

The readiness of the launch relies on the cooperation of different areas within a company. The  collaboration & effectiveness of various departments will be tested at the launch. In order to be able  to assess the readiness, it is important to follow your predefined milestones or checklist. Launch  readiness module provides a readiness checklist, as well as an activity assessment module for  everyone in the team to know how well the tasks are being performed. Gate approval module  provides another layer of assuredness , where manager in charge or team leader has to approve  changes or additional tasks from within the team.

Launch Readiness
Readiness Checklist

​Readiness checklist

The readiness checklist verifies if all tasks and requirements are performed within the expected quality. Generic or custom checklist can be made and filled in, prior to a product launch.

Readiness Checklist


Multiple checklists

Ensure that all of your activities are being done with multiple customizable checklists.

Checklist templates

Pre-define your custom-made templates for specific market types of your choice.

Track score

Track your score across multiple products, organization, and countries at the same time.

Customize rating and score

Customize your rating and score based on your own pre-defined criteria.

Automatic management reporting

Use the power of automation with LEA’s automatic management reporting.

Access restriction on content level

Protect your data with access restriction that can be restricted down to the content level.

Gate Approval
Gate Approval

Gate approval

The "Gate approval" is simple way to let different areas and key stakeholders approve and flag readiness within a launch phase. The gates are an overall assessment and approval of the main launch phase.



Customize gates

Prepare gates based on your specific conditions and ensure that every project will go according to the plan.

Access restriction on content level

Protect your data with access restriction that can be restricted down to the content level.

Approval flow

Give your managers power to decide which tasks to approve and which ones to decline, helping them control the current flow.

Deadline notifications

Be prepared and never be late with your deadlines again. Get notifications for your upcoming and missed deadlines.

Activity Assessment

Activity assessment

The completion of an activity doesn't state its quality and how well it was performed. Having an overview of a qualitative assessment is an efficient way to identify potential risks before launching the product.

Activity Assessment


​Connected to the activity plan

Assess your current activities and benchmark them against the activity plan, to find out which tasks are lagging behind and which ones have been done perfectly.

Customize rating and score

Customize your rating and score based on your own pre-defined criteria.

​Access restriction on content level

Protect your data with access restriction that can be restricted down to the content level.

Track score

Track your score across multiple products, organization, and countries at the same time.

Power BI Integration

Integration of power BI allows us to create beautiful dashboards specifically for you. You decide what KPI’s, charts or information you want to see on your dashboard.

Automatic management reporting

Use the power of automation with LEA’s automatic management reporting.

Custom BI reports

Get your automatic reports ready in your own customized design for better presenting value.


Høje Taastrup Boulevard 52
Copenhagen, Denmark


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